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Forum Posts
Mar 29, 2021
In Remembering Beth
Beth and I met in 1997 after meeting her and LC at one of my many part-time jobs in NW Portland OR. L.C and I met a couple days prior at one of my other neighborhood jobs, a coffee shop named Anna Banana's. L. C. being the friendliest and more interesting letter carrier I to this day have ever met, remembered me and asked it I knew anyone who needed a studio apartment. I DID!!!! BAM, I had a my home for the next five years. Which is to this day the longest I have ever lived in a home. Beth gave me a place to grow and lots of freedom and support with affordable rent and odd jobs to help take care of the old Victorian House. Beth gave me a place to me 100% myself and to feel accepted and safe. For many that may seems like a common normal exchange, but I am survivor of all kinds of situations, home means more to me than I can express with these words. Beth gave me a place on this earth to grow and explore and encouraged me to be proud of myself. She was a soft and gentle woman, who could dance like nobody was there, just her and the release that only dance movement can give a human. Beth was the emergency contact of my life for 20 plus years and a friend for 25. A funny story... or painfully funny story is...I have two major bike accidents in those 20 years. The second one was in the spring 2015. Beth came to help me go home from the hospital and said with laughter, "Maybe you should WEAR YOUR HELMET or stop biking." Beth was a friend I could count on to tell me her truth and her perspective and to really be herself and let me be myself. her brilliance and voice inspire me forever. I love you Beth. You are always with me and in my soul. Love, Anna
Mar 29, 2021
In Remembering Beth
DANCE IN YOUR BLOOD -Rumi Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance, when you’re perfectly free. translated by Coleman Barks
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