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Mar 29, 2021
In Remembering Beth
Dearest Beth, What a precious gift this past year has been. But for the corona virus and our "Shero in Chief," Stella getting us together on Zoom, we would not have had the many lovely evenings together - apart but together - sharing memories, news of family and current events - animated conversations about politics, and sharing creative endeavors we are all involved in. From an art exhibit to children's books to teeny tiny doll clothes and more. The passion you shared for reporting on the world around us was evident in the work you produced - both verbal and written. I was struck by a recent tweet: Beth Hyams @BethHyams · Mar 6 . @nytimes : Federal researchers also found that counties opening restaurants for on-premises dining — indoors or outdoors — saw a rise in daily infections about six weeks later... It’s the “or outdoors” that gets me. So simple on its face - yet your editorial ability to get to the very crux of the matter - "It's the 'or outdoors that gets me'." - is just so YOU! I can hear you saying that in high school - and now. Thank you for humbling sharing your brilliance with us - your cadre of HSG Sheros. Most memories I have of you are from high school as we lost touch with each other through the years, until we reconnected recently, but here are a few that stand out: I remember your being the one to initiate asking for and receiving permission from our English teacher, Mrs. Danemiller to attend the Viet Nam war protest at UH. Always one to not let a political event go without comment. And there were the times your Mom took a bunch of us to see "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and later, "The Graduate." At the time, these were pretty controversial movies and might I even say "risqué?" That striking image of Sidney Poitier and the notion of a black man marrying a white woman and the illicit sex scenes with Mrs. Robinson and Benjamin! Oh my! Very progressive of your Mom to share those films with us. I've never forgotten it. And I've admired her for it ever since. And you are not unlike her in that way. Then, in the 80's there was a time we ran into each other at a BART station in San Francisco - then each rushing off in our own directions - but surprised to meet each other there. At some point, we started exchanging birthday cards and you were surprised by the confetti that fell in your lap - and later you said you "were prepared this time," and held the cards over your desk from then on. I am grateful we had a chance to get together in Portland at the Benson Hotel while on a trip John and I were making to Vancouver, BC in 2013. Such a wonderful memory. I am so very grateful for this past year and the time we got to reconnect with one another. You have always been such a sweet soul. Thank you for your friendship, your leadership, and your insight. You are the embodiment of a strong woman, who is confident and highly accomplished yet always there with a ready smile, warm heart and soft-spoken acuity. Peaceful journey my friend. I miss you. The HSG Shero Faries will be with you to light your path... Aloha nui loa, Gail


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